One, we have been able to get in a lot more houses than usual! Even when we have just met them they are kind and let us in! We had one experience where we went to knock on a door, it was already open and they told us to come in. We weren't really sure what to say, but we had an authentic conversation with them and it turned out a family member had recently passed. From that we were able to teach and testify about the plan of salvation, which seemed to touch their hearts!
We have had so many experiences this week with people who really seemed interested! One of those was, yesterday we went over to a house to try to talk to the people there. They were having a party, but still they invited us in and gave us a taco. We tried to talk with the people there, but none of them seemed interested. As we were leaving, a lady asked if we did marriage counseling and we told her the church did. From that she was interested in us coming over and sharing a message with her and her family!
I could keep going, we have seen so many miracles this week! My companions are both so amazing, they are both great examples of obedience, they are easy to get along with and are overall great missionaries! I have learned so much from them already!
PS- From Mom (Tynel)... My Dad, Kent Smith, knows a man at church who lived many years in the Reno area. When my Dad told him that Elder Jarnagin was serving in Sun Valley, the man said he would share what the locals call that area.... SLUM Valley. He said that there are more Chihuahua's in Sun Valley than there are humans. I asked Elder Jarnagin about that in my email this week. His response was this...