Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Hot Week!

At dinner with some Greenies (missionaries who recently came out on their missions)
This week has been hot to say the least.  We are making sure to drink a ton of water!  One thing that I have noticed with the heat is that in a way, people are kinder to us.  They are more willing to let us in or even just let us have some water.  It is a really easy way to talk to people, to get to know them better.  It seems like everyone can relate better because we are all dying in this heat together.  Other than that it has been a good week. 
We had a lesson with our investigator, Juan who we set with a date.  He seems so ready, he really is humble enough to accept the message and accept the Savior more into his life. We were super excited for him all week, he said he was coming to church, we were going to have a church tour on Saturday and then he didn't show up.  We found him in the park and he said there was a Christian minister he was listening to.  He assured us he was coming to sacrament meeting the next day.  He didn't show up and that was kind of sad.  The only ones that did were our progressing investigators, Luis and Belen. 
Other than that we just had a regular week.  One thing that stuck out was Daniel.  He just seems like he is still progressing in the gospel and won't stop.  We were street contacting yesterday around his house, so we stopped by.  We saw him on his porch reading the Book of Mormon!  We went over and talked with him and he asked us about how he could share the gospel with his neighbor!  I think it has been such on honor to be able to help him come closer to Christ and to see him continue on that path!  Elder Choi and I are doing well.  We are doing our best to always work in unity!
Calling the police, last week.  Elder Goudin. (I'm not sure why they were calling the police)
Lunch out with Elder Goudin.

Transfers last week

Healthy eating!!
Someone playing Pokemon Go in front of Elder Jarnagin's house.

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